Jonas Lundberg, Associate Professor in Information Design, ph.d Linköpings Universitet

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Jonas Lundberg, Associate Professor in Information Design

Phone: 46 (0)11 363452
Room: You can find me in building K2 (Campus Norrköping), second floor

Department of Science and Technology
Linköpings universitet
SE-601 74 Norrköping, Sweden

I work as Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Technology, in the Media and Information Technology group at Linköping University. I am Associate Professor (docent) in Cognitive Systems, with a PhD in Computer Science, and a M.A. in Cognitive Science.

Research - Human Automation Collaboration

The main challenge of human-automation collaboration is to enable humans and automation to engage with each other constructivly and collaboratively.

It is a major challenge to design interfaces and interactions where humans can truly engage in collaboration with (alomost) autonomous systems or systems with lower automation levels, rather than merely monitor them for error, or take over when they fail.

The research program on Human-Automation Collaboration at LiU is composed of several projects. It covers various aspects of human collaboration with automation, from basic research on interactive visualization, to more applied studies such as how to control future dense drone traffic, to Crisis and Emergency response. The research thus addresses central problems in high stakes domains, where human performance within complex technical systems is essential to maintain control, and where a loss of control can have serious consequences.

Research close to industrial use is mainly carried out in the research project Amplify ATM Teamwork with Automation, within the LFV-LiU collaboration. It regards visual decsion support tools and resilient work- and collaboration processes for human-automation collaboration, with application cases for management of Air Traffic, and in the broader area of Traffic Management. Our project RESKILL also addresses the maritime domain. This research adresses both design and evaluation of visual information environments. It is a continuation of previous work on interactive visualization for human-automation collaboration applied to the areas of emergency and crisis response. Each applied research projeect has both research questions with relevance for academia, and results valuable for an application area.

Basic research is currently carried out in the project Visualization of complexsituations to strengthen human-automation collaboration in real-time systems, funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). It lays the foundation for design of interactive visual decision support, in dynamic, time, critical envrionments.

The research adresses issues such as:

  • Visualization of complex situations (for situation awarnesss)
  • Visual planning (collaborative planning with automation)
  • Visualization of automation functionality and performance (for training e.g. of work in degraded modes)
  • Planning and situation visualization for unmanned traffic management (UTM), with a focus on explorative deisgn of traffic management concepts

Over they years I have conducted research on various apsects of visual interactive decision support concepts, primarily for high stakes environments (where the outcomes of decisions can have critical consequences, such as in air traffic control, crisis response). I have also studied characteristics of human work in high stakes environments, with a focus on safety and resilience. The research has for instance addressed:

  • interactive visualizations for human-automation collaboration in air traffic management
  • interactive visualizations for human-automation collaboration in emergency response
  • design tools and practices (e.g. for Dome presentations)
  • visualization of health care quality indicators
  • activity frameworks for sensemaking and control in emergency- and crisis response
  • activity frameworks for resilience and situation awareness in crisis management and air traffic control
  • activity frameworks for the understanding of accident occurrencies and safety systems (focussing on the ability to understand accidents, and to achieve change, "blind spots").

This work has a basis in my previous work on interaction/information design, as well as on systematic safety work and work in dynamic high stakes environments (risk, accidents, crisis response, resilience). My research on the design of interactive information environments is cross-diciplinary, involving different areas of research and application, such as:

  • Information design, Interaction design, Visualization, and Human Factors
  • Resilience engineering, Cognitive systems engineering, and Safety Science.

I primarily work wtih basic research questions, of relevance accross high stakes domains, such as:

  • Air Traffic Management, Aviation
  • Emergency Response and Crisis Management / Crisis Response

You can read more on my publications page and on my research projects page.


My main teaching engagements during 2017 are student thesis supervision and courses in:

  • Information Design

I have previously given courses in the following areas

  • Human-computer interaction (usability engineering, interaction design)
  • Scientific Method
  • Risk and Accident Analysis
  • Basic Aviation Human Factors
  • Way Showing
  • Web design and web programming

Recent publications

Svensson, Å., Forsell, C., Johansson, J and Lunberg, J. (forthcoming). Analysis of Work Patterns as a Foundation for Human-Automation Communication in Multiple Remote Towers. Twelfth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Seattle, Washington, June 26-30, 2017
abstract (permalink)

Rönnberg, N., Lundberg, J., Löwgren, J. (2016). Sonifying the Periphery: Supporting the Formation of Gestalt in Air Traffic Control. Proceedings of the 5th Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2016), CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany, December 16, 2016.
abstract (permalink)

Zohrevandi, E., V. Polishchuk, J. Lundberg, Å. Svensson, J. Johansson, and B. Josefsson. (2016). Modeling and Analysis of Controller’s Taskload in Different Predictability Conditions. Proceedings of the 6th Sesar Innovation Days. EUROCONTROL. ISSN 0770-1268. Delft, 8-10 November.
abstract (permalink)

Lundberg , J., Nylin, M., Josefsson, B. (2016). Challenges for Research and Innovation in Design of Digital ATM Controller Environments – An episode analysis of six simulated traffic situations at Arlanda airport. 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference – DASC 2016 Enabling Avionics For UAS/UTM (UAS Traffic Management), Sacramento, CA.
abstract (permalink)

Bock A, Svensson Å, Kleiner A, Lundberg J, Ropinski T. (In press). A Visualization-Based Analysis System for Urban Search & Rescue Mission Planning Support. Computer Graphics Forum, 2016. DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12869
abstract (permalink)