HOWTO: Fuse Dialog

Fuse is a system under Linux for allowing users to mount personal resources into their personal file tree. With some thinkering this system can be used together with the ordinary mounting system, so that any user can write 'mount' to mount the fuse resource. Unfortunately umount does not always work, so they may need to write 'fusermount -u' to unmount the same resource.

This howto provides a script that uses the kdialog command to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that lets the user select fuse mount points to mount or unmount.

  1. Put the script fusedialog in a folder in the PATH environment variable.
  2. Make the script executable by executing chmod 755 fusedialog.
  3. To mount or unmount execute the script either by writing fusedialog in shell or by connecting an icon to the script.
  4. The fusedialog tool reads the file system tables residing in the following files, both in fstab format: /etc/fstab ~/.fstab The first file is the system wide fstab while second row describes a user specific fstab file.
  5. Fstab line example: /home/luser/remote/ruser/ fuse noauto,user 0 0