
The following links point to useful resources related to this field of research:

BAMBEd Journal


The aim of BAMBEd is to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences...



The International Journal of Science Education is firmly established as the authoritative voice in the world of science education...

GRC Viz. in Science & Education


Gordon Research conferences provide an amazing opportunity to meet, converse and listen to those researchers at the absolute forefront.

Visual literacy resource


...focuses on a critical, but often neglected skill… visual literacy, or the ability to evaluate, apply, or create conceptual visual representations”.

GRC Chem. Ed. Res. & Practice 2011


...research grounded in social, educational, and cognitive theories and in rigorous assessment of curricular innovations…



...a southern African Association dedicated to the advancement of research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education...



The Aims of ESERA are to enhance the range and quality of research training in science education in Europe...

Swedish Research Council (VR)


...a government agency that provides funding for basic research of the highest scientific quality…”

National Research Foundation (NRF) support and promote research through funding, human capacity development and the provision of the necessary research facilities…”

Norrköping Visualization Center


May 2010 saw the grand opening... A dome theater, exhibitions focusing on the latest visualization research…

Konrad J. Schönborn


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