Teaching |
Courses taught and co-taught at University (tertiary) and High School (secondary) levels are as follows: |
Linköping University, Sweden2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008:Swedish National Graduate School in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Research (FontD)Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2022-2; 2020-2; 2019-2; 2018-2; 2016-2; 2015-2; 2014-2; 2012-1), “Naturvetenskapernas, matematikens och teknikens didaktik – en introduktion” (Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Research – an Introduction). Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2020-2; 2019-2; 2016-2; 2015-2), “Grundläggande forskningsdesign och forskningsmetodologi i naturvetenskaps-, teknik-, matematikdidaktisk” (Research Design and Research Methodology in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education Research). Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2024-1), “Forskningsdesign och forskningsmetodologi i ämnesdidaktisk forskning” (Research Design and Research Methodology in Subject-Specific Educational Research). Participating students: Licentiate PhD students. Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2021-2; 2017-2; 2015-1; 2013-1; 2009-2), “Att kommunicera naturvetenskaps-, matematik- och teknikdidaktisk forskning” (Scientific Communication in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Research). Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. Coordinator and lecturer in the course (Ref: 2024-1; 2021-2; 2018-2; 2017-2), “Scientific communication in English: Focus on Educational Sciences”. Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2014-1; 2009-2), “Naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik” (Research in Science and Technology Education). Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2011-1; 2008-2), “Naturvetenskapernas, matematikens och teknikens didaktik” (Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education). Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. Coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course (Ref: 2012-2; 2011-2; 2009-1), “Forskningsdesign och forskningsmetodologi” (Research Design and Methods). Participating students: Licentiate and PhD students. 2021; 2015, 2013:Department of Science and Technology (ITN), Division of Media and Information TechnologyCo-coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course, “Visual cognition, learning and communication”. Participating students: PhD students. Co-coordinator and participatory lecturer in the course, “Design and evaluation of visualizations for learning and communication”. Participating students: PhD students. Participatory lecturer in the course, “Visual storytelling”. Participating students: PhD students. 2011/2010:Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Division of Molecular BiotechnologyParticipatory co-facilitator of the seminar course (Ref: VT2010-VT2011), “Molecular biology of the cell: The science, the visualizations, and the educational aspects”. Participating students: PhD students.
Purdue University, USA2013, 2012:Divisions of Chemical Education and Biochemistry, Department of ChemistryGuest Lecturer in the course (Ref: CHM59900), “Visualizing Cells & Molecules”. Participants: PhD students.
University of Göttingen , Germany2007, 2006:Didactics of Biology, Zentrum für Empirische Unterrichts- und Schulforschung (ZeUS)Convener, designer and lecturer of the course (Ref: 63096), “The Role of Learners’ Conceptual and Reasoning Difficulties in Biology: Perspectives for Teaching and Learning”. Participating students: Masters level pre-service teachers. Participatory lecturer of the course (Ref: 63095), “Erkenntnisse und Methoden empirisch biologiedidaktischer Forschung”. Participating students: Masters level pre-service teachers. Participatory lecturer of the course (Ref: 63094), “Kompetenzbereich Erkenntnisgewinnung – Schulversuche im Biologieunterricht”. Participating students: Masters level pre-service teachers. Participatory lecturer of the course (Ref: 63099), “Biologie didaktisch reflektiert vermitteln – 2. Teil des Moduls Einführung in die Didaktik der Biologie”. Participating students: 3rd-year pre-service teachers.
University of KwaZulu Natal (Pietermaritzburg), South Africa2003:Science Education Research Group (SERG), School of Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology and Plant PathologyConvener and lecturer of the course (Ref: SCED701), “Understanding in Science and Mathematics”. Participating students: 4th-year postgraduate students.
St. Charles College (SCC), South Africa2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000:High School Teacher in Science and Biology Departments at SCCIndependent Examination Board (IEB) curriculum of South Africa: Grades 8 (approx. 13-year olds), 9 (14-yr olds) and 10 (15-yr olds) (Science). Grades 10 (15-yr olds) and 11 (16-yr olds) (Biology). Grades 11 (16-yr olds) and 12 (17-yr olds) (Physical Science). Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) curriculum: Grades 8 and 9 (IGCSE Physical Science). Grades 11 and 12 (AS-Level Chemistry). |
Konrad J. Schönborn |
Professor |