
Please contact konsc{at} should you be interested in any of the works.

Publications appear in the following order:

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters


Doctoral Thesis

Popular Science Articles

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings (Selected)



Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Thyberg, A., Schönborn, K., & Gericke, N. (2024). Investigating students’ meaning-making of multiple visual representations of epigenetics at different levels of biological organisation. International Journal of Science Education, 46(14), 1405-1431.

[doi:10.1080/09500693.2023.2289175] [PDF]

Stenlund, J.I., Tibell, L.A.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2022). ‘Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth’ – Students’ affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts. Journal of Biological Education, 58(4), 915-936.

[doi:10.1080/00219266.2022.2147205] [PDF]

Otterborn, A., Sundberg, B., & Schönborn, K. (2024). The impact of digital and analog approaches on a multidimensional preschool science education. Research in Science Education, 45, 185-203.

[doi:10.1007/s11165-023-10133-6] [PDF]

Svärd, J., Schönborn, K., & Hallström, J. (2024). Students’ perceptions of authenticity in an upper secondary technology education innovation project. Research in Science & Technological Education, 42(2), 467-487.

[doi:10.1080/02635143.2022.2116418] [PDF]

Hallström, J., Norström, P., & Schönborn, K.J. (2023). Authentic STEM education through modelling: an international Delphi study. International Journal of STEM Education, 10, 62.

[doi:10.1186/s40594-023-00453-4] [PDF]

Höst, G., Schönborn, K.J., & Tibell, L.A.E. (2022). Visual images of the biological microcosmos: viewers’ perception of realism, preference, and desire to explore. Frontiers in Educ., 7, 933087.

[doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.933087] [PDF] [Supp. Material]

Stenlund, J.I., Schönborn, K.J., & Höst, G.E. (2022). Design and validation of a deep evolutionary time visual instrument (DET-Vis). Evolution: Education and Outreach, 15, 12.

[doi:10.1186/s12052-022-00170-6] [PDF]

Koć-Januchta, M.M., Schönborn, K.J., Roehrig, C., Chaudhri, V.K., Tibell, L.A.E., & Heller, H.C. (2022). “Connecting concepts helps put main ideas together”: cognitive load and usability in learning biology with an AI-enriched textbook. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,19(11).

[doi:10.1186/s41239-021-00317-3] [PDF]

Frejd, J., Stolpe, K., Hultén, M., & Schönborn, K. (2022). Making a fictitious animal: 6-7 year-old Swedish children’s meaning making about evolution during a modelling task. Journal of Biological Education, 56(3), 323-339.

[doi:10.1080/00219266.2020.1799843] [PDF]

Gudmann Knutsson, S., Asplund, T., Höst, G., & Schönborn, K.J. (2021). Public perceptions of waste management in Sri Lanka: a focus group study. Sustainability, 13, 12960.

[doi:10.3390/su132312960] [PDF]

Stenlund, J.I., Schönborn, K.J., & Tibell, L.A.E (2021). Zooming in time – exploring students' interpretations of a dynamic tree of life. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30(1), 125-138.

[doi:10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x] [PDF]

Koć-Januchta, M., Schönborn, K.J., Tibell, L.A.E., Chaudhri V.K., & Heller, H.C. (2020). Engaging with biology by asking questions: investigating students’ interaction and learning with an AI-enriched textbook. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(6), 1190-1224.

[doi:10.1177/2F0735633120921581] [PDF]

Höst, G., Palmerius, K., & Schönborn, K. (2020). Nano for the public: An exploranation perspective. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (Special Issue—Visualization in Public Spaces), 40(2), 32-42.

[doi:10.1109/MCG.2020.2973120] [PDF Postprint]

Otterborn, A., Schönborn, K.J., & Hultén, M. (2020). Investigating preschool educators’ implementation of computer programming in their teaching practice. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(3), 253-262.

[doi:10.1007/s10643-019-00976-y] [PDF]

Haglund, J., & Schönborn, K. (2019). The pedagogical potential of infrared cameras in biology education. American Biology Teacher, 81(7), 520-523.

[doi:10.1525/abt.2019.81.7.520] [PDF]

Hallström, J., & Schönborn, K.J. (2019). Models and modelling for authentic STEM education: reinforcing the argument. International Journal of STEM Education, 6(22).

[doi:10.1186/s40594-019-0178-z] [PDF]

Otterborn, A., Schönborn, K., & Hultén, M. (2019). Surveying preschool teachers’ use of digital tablets: general and technology education related findings. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(4), 717-737.

[doi:10.1007/s10798-018-9469-9] [PDF]

Dolo, G., Haglund, J., & Schönborn, K.J. (2018). Thermal cameras as a semiotic resource for inquiry in a South African township school context. Designs for Learning, 10(1), 123-134.

[doi:10.16993/dfl.96] [PDF]

Höst, G., Schönborn, K., Fröcklin, H., & Tibell, L. (2018). What biological visualizations do science center visitors prefer in an interactive touch table? Education Sciences (Special Issue—Biology Education), 8(4), 166.

[] [PDF]

Svärd, J., Schönborn, K., & Hallström, J. (2017). Design of an authentic innovation project in Swedish upper secondary technology education. Australasian Journal of Technology Education, 4, 1-15.

[doi:10.15663/ajte.v4i1.48] [PDF]

Netzell, E., Jeppsson, F., Haglund, J., & Schönborn, K.J. (2017). Visualising energy transformations in electric circuits with infrared cameras. School Science Review, 98(364), 19-22.

[ISSN: 0036-6811] [Cover Issue] [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Höst, G.E., & Lundin Palmerius, K.E. (2016). Nano education with interactive visualization. Nano Today, 11(5), 543-546.

[doi:10.1016/j.nantod.2015.10.006] [PDF Postprint]

Mnguni, L., Schönborn, K., &. Anderson, T. (2016). Assessment of visualisation skills in biochemistry students. South African Journal of Science, 112(9/10), Art.#2015-0412, 8 pages.

[doi:10.17159/sajs.2016/20150412] [PDF]

Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F., Melander, E., Pendrill, A.-M., Xie, C., & Schönborn, K.J. (2016). Infrared cameras in science education. Infrared Physics and Technology, 75, 150-152.

[doi:10.1016/j.infrared.2015.12.009] [PDF Preprint]

Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F., & Schönborn, K.J. (2016). Taking on the heat—a narrative account of how infrared cameras invite instant inquiry. Research in Science Education, 46(5), 685-713.

[doi:10.1007/s11165-015-9476-8] [PDF Postprint]

Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F., Hedberg, D., & Schönborn, K.J. (2015). Students’ framing of laboratory exercises using infrared cameras. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 11(2), 020127.

[doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.11.020127] [PDF]

Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F., Hedberg, D., & Schönborn, K.J. (2015). Thermal cameras in school laboratory activities. Physics Education, 50(4), 424-430.

[doi:10.1088/0031-9120/50/4/424] [Cover Issue] [PDF Postprint]

Schönborn, K.J., Höst, G.E., & Lundin Palmerius, K.E. (2015). Measuring understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology: development and validation of the nano-knowledge instrument (NanoKI). Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16(2), 346-354.

[doi:10.1039/C4RP00241E] [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Höst, G.E., Lundin Palmerius, K.E., & Flint, J. (2014). Development of an interactive immersion environment for engendering understanding about nanotechnology: concept, construction and implementation. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 5(2), 40-56.

[doi:10.4018/IJVPLE] [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Haglund, J., & Xie, C. (2014). Pupils’ early explorations of thermoimaging to interpret heat and temperature. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(1), 118-132.

[ISSN:1648-3898] [PDF] [Supp. Material]

Höst, G.E., Schönborn, K.J., & Lundin Palmerius, K.E. (2013). A case-based study of students’ visuohaptic experiences of electric fields around molecules: shaping the development of virtual nanoscience learning environments. Education Research International, vol. 2013, Article ID 194363, 11 pages.

[doi:10.1155/2013/194363] [PDF]

Höst, G.E., Schönborn, K.J., & Lundin Palmerius, K.E. (2012). Students’ use of three different visual representations to interpret whether molecules are polar or non-polar. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(12), 1499-1505.

[doi:10.1021/ed2001895] [PDF Preprint]

Tibell, L., Höst, G.E., Schönborn, K.J., & Bohlin, G. (2012). Att inSe - Om visualisering i biologiundervisningen. Bi-lagan, 3, 12-17.


Schönborn, K.J. Bivall, P., & Tibell, L.A.E. (2011). Exploring relationships between students’ interaction and learning with a haptic virtual biomolecular model. Computers & Education, 57(3), 2095-2105.

[doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2011.05.013] [PDF Postprint] [Supp. Material]

Schönborn, K.J., Höst, G.E., & Palmerius, K.J.L. (2010). Visualizing the positive-negative interface of molecular electrostatic potentials as an educational tool for assigning chemical polarity. Journal of Chemical Education, 87(12), 1342-1343.


Schönborn, K.J., & Anderson, T.R. (2010). Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap – Foundations for assessing and developing biochemistry students’ visual literacy. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 38(5), 347-354.

[doi:10.1002/bmb.20436] [PDF]

Rundgren, C.-J., Chang, S.-N., & Schönborn, K.J. (2010). Students’ conceptions of water transport. Journal of Biological Education, 44(3), 129-135.

[doi:10.1080/00219266.2010.9656209] [PDF Postprint]

Schönborn, K.J., & Bögeholz, S. (2009). Knowledge transfer in biology and translation across external representations: Experts' views and challenges for learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(5), 931-955.

[doi:10.1007/s10763-009-9153-3] [PDF] [Supp. Material]

Schönborn, K.J., & Anderson, T.R. (2009). A model of factors determining students’ ability to interpret external representations in biochemistry. International Journal of Science Education, 31(2), 193-232.

[doi:10.1080/09500690701670535] [PDF Preprint]

Schönborn, K.J., & Anderson, T.R. (2008). Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap – Conceptual understanding, Part 2: Assessing and developing student knowledge. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 36(5), 372-379.

[doi:10.1002/bmb.20230] [PDF]

Anderson, T.R., & Schönborn, K.J. (2008). Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap – Conceptual understanding, Part 1: The multifaceted nature of expert knowledge. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 36(4), 309-315.

[doi:10.1002/bmb.20209] [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., & Anderson, T.R. (2006). The importance of visual literacy in the education of biochemists.  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 34(2), 94-102.

[doi:10.1002/bmb.2006.49403402094] [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R., & Grayson, D.J. (2002). Student difficulties with the interpretation of a textbook diagram of immunoglobulin G (IgG). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 30(2), 93-97.

[doi:10.1002/bmb.2002.494030020036] [PDF]


Peer-reviewed Book Chapters                                     [Go to top of pub. list]

Hallström, J., Norström, P., & Schönborn, K.J. (2024). Experts’ views on the role of the ‘T’ and ‘E’ in integrated STEM education and implications for out-of-field teaching. In: Fox-Turnbull, W., Williams, P.J. (Eds.) Locating Technology Education in STEM Teaching and Learning. Contemporary Issues in Technology Education. Singapore: Springer, pp. 237-248.

[doi:10.1007/978-981-97-1995-2_15] [PDF]

Pokojná, H., Rasheed, F., & Schönborn, K.J. (2023). Effect of the rings: A visual story design comparing three chemical characters. In: Roughley, M. (Ed.) Approaches for Science Illustration and Communication. Cham: Springer, pp. 133-156.


Höst, G., Schönborn, K.J., & Tibell, L.A.E. (2023). Visual images of the biological microcosmos: viewers’ perception of realism, preference, and desire to explore. In: Christidou, V., Bonoti, F., & Hatzinikita, V. (Eds.). Visual Images in Science Education. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.

[doi:10.3389/978-2-8325-2225-7] [PDF]

Hallström, J., & Schönborn, K. (2023). Models and modeling in STEM education: nature, roles, and implementation. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., & Erkican, K. (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Ed.). Elsevier, pp. 112-116.

[doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.13038-6] (ISBN 978-0-12-818629-9) [PDF Preprint]

Palmerius K.L. & Schönborn K.J. (2022). Visualizing and exploring heat in a science center. In: Haglund J., Jeppsson F., Schönborn K.J. (Eds.). Thermal Cameras in Science Education. Cham: Springer, pp. 187-203.

[doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_12] (ISBN: 978-3-030-85288-7)

Haglund J., Jeppsson F., & Schönborn K.J. (2022). Conclusions and future outlook. In: Haglund J., Jeppsson F., Schönborn K.J. (Eds). Thermal Cameras in Science Education. Cham: Springer, pp. 2015-210.

[doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_13] (ISBN: 978-3-030-85288-7)

Haglund J., Jeppsson F., & Schönborn K.J. (2022) Introduction. In: Haglund J., Jeppsson F., Schönborn K.J. (Eds). Thermal Cameras in Science Education. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-3.

[doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_1] (ISBN: 978-3-030-85288-7)

Otterborn A. & Schönborn K. (2022). Implementing digital tablet activities in Swedish preschool education. In: Williams P.J., von Mengersen B. (Eds). Applications of Research in Technology Education. Singapore: Springer, pp. 249-265.

[] (ISBN: 9789811678844)

Flint, J., Lundin Palmerius, K., Höst, G., & Schönborn, K. (2020). Virtual nanoworlds for learning. In: K. Sattler (Ed.). 21st Century Nanoscience—A Handbook (Vol. 10). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, pp. 7-1—7-14.

[doi:10.1201/9780429351631] (ISBN 9780815357094) [PDF Preprint]

Larsson, A., Stafstedt, M., & Schönborn, K.J. (2019). Heat angels and paper cups: Discovering pupils’ multimodal experiences of heat using thermal cameras. In: E. McLoughlin, O. Finlayson, S. Erduran, P. Childs (Eds.). Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education. Cham: Springer, pp. 73-89.

[doi:10.1007/978-3-030-17219-0_5] (ISBN 978-3-030-17219-0)

Schönborn, K. J., Höst, G. E., & Lundin Palmerius, K. E. (2016). Interaktiv visualisering av nanovärlden stödjer lärande. Resultatdialog 2016, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet, pp. 134-140

(ISBN 978-91-7307-336-3) [PDF]

Schönborn, K. J., Höst, G. E., & Lundin Palmerius, K. E. (2016). Interactive visualization for learning and teaching nanoscience and nanotechnology. In: K. Winkelmann, B. Bhushan (Eds.), Global Perspectives of Nanoscience and Engineering Education. Basel: Springer, pp. 195-222

[doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31833-2_7] (ISBN 978-3-319-31833-2) [PDF Preprint]

Lundin Palmerius, K. and Schönborn, K. (2016). Visualization of heat transfer using projector-based spatial augmented reality. In: L. De Paolis, & A. Mongelli (Eds.), Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics. Basel: Springer, pp. 407-417

[doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40621-3_29] (ISBN 978-3-319-40620-6) [PDF Postprint]

Schönborn, K. J., Höst, G. E., Lundin Palmerius, K. E., & Flint, J. (2016). Development of an interactive immersion environment for engendering understanding about nanotechnology: concept, construction, and implementation. In: M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 519-536

[doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8619-9.ch024] (ISBN: 9781466686199)

Lundin Palmerius, K.E., Höst, G.E., Johansson, D., & Schönborn, K.J. (2014). An analysis of the influence of a pseudo-haptic cue on the haptic perception of weight. In: M. Auvray, & C. Duriez (Eds.), Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications. Berlin: Springer, pp. 117-125

[doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44193-0_16] (ISBN 978-3-662-44192-3) [PDF Postprint]

Tibell, L., Schönborn, K. and Höst, G. (2014). Att se det osynliga: Visualiseringar som meningsskapande verktyg för kommunikation av molekylär livsvetenskap. Resultatdialog 2014, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet, pp. 202-209

(ISBN 978-91-7307-247-2) [PDF]

Tibell, L. and Schönborn, K. (2014). Nationella forskarskolan i naturvetenskapernas, matematikens och teknikens didaktik. Resultatdialog 2014, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet, pp. 210-217

(ISBN 978-91-7307-247-2) [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J. and Bögeholz, S. (2013). Experts’ views on translation across multiple external representations in acquiring biological knowledge about ecology, genetics and evolution. In: D.F. Treagust & C.-Y. Tsui (Eds.), Multiple Representations in Biological Education. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 111-128

[doi:10.1007/978-94-007-4192-8_7] (ISBN 978-94-007-4191-1)

Anderson, T.R., Schönborn, K.J., du Plessis, L., Gupthar, A.S. and Hull, T.L. (2013). Identifying and developing students’ ability to reason with concepts and representations in biology. In: D.F. Treagust & C.-Y. Tsui (Eds.), Multiple Representations in Biological Education. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 19-38

[doi:10.1007/978-94-007-4192-8_2] (ISBN 978-94-007-4191-1) [PDF Postprint]

Lundin Palmerius, K.E., Höst, G.E. and Schönborn, K.J. (2012). An interactive and multi-sensory learning environment for nano education. In: C. Magnusson, D. Szymczak, & S. Brewster (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design. Berlin: Springer, pp. 81-90

[doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32796-4_9] (ISBN 978-3-642-32795-7) [PDF Preprint]

Mnguni, L.E., Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2009). Towards identifying and measuring visual literacy skills in biochemistry. In: M. Hammann, A. J. Waarlo & K. Boersma (Eds), The Nature of Research in Biological Education: Old and New Perspectives on Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Utrecht: CDβ Press, pp. 185-198.

(ISBN 9789073346666)

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Mnguni, L.E. (2007). Methods to determine the role of external representations in developing understanding in biochemistry, In: D. Lemmermöhle, M. Rothgangel, S. Bögeholz, M. Hasselhorn & R. Watermann (Eds), Professionell Lehren - Erfolgreich Lernen. Münster: Waxman Verlag, pp. 291-301.

(ISBN 978-3-8309-1820-2) [PDF Postprint]

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Grayson, D.J. (2003). Students’ Interpretation of External Representations in Biochemistry, In: D. Fisher & T. Marsh (Eds), Making Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Accessible to All, Vol. 1. Perth: Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics, pp. 423-434.

(ISBN 1740673034) [PDF Postprint]


Books                                                                             [Go to top of pub. list]

Haglund J., Jeppsson F., & Schönborn K.J. (Eds.) (2022). Thermal Cameras in Science Education. Cham: Springer.

[doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7] (ISBN978-3-030-85288-7)

Schönborn, K. (2005). Laboratory Manual accompanying “Chemistry: An introduction for southern African students”, by M. Clugston R. Flemming and D. Vogt, Cape Town: Oxford University Press

(ISBN 0195764757)

Schönborn, K. and Line, A. (2005). Question Bank and Solutions accompanying “Chemistry: An introduction for southern African students”, by M. Clugston, R. Flemming and D. Vogt, Cape Town: Oxford University Press

(ISBN 0195762584)


Doctoral Thesis                                                             [Go to top of pub. list]

Schönborn, K.J. (2005). Using Student Difficulties to Identify and Model Factors Influencing the Ability to Interpret External Representations of IgG-Antigen Binding, Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. [PDF]


Popular Science Articles                                              [Go to top of pub. list]

Schönborn, K., & Höst, G. (2023). Många utmaningar när programmeringintegreras i undervisningen. Notiser från forskningsfronten, ATENA Didaktik.

[doi:10.3384/atena.2023.4864] [PDF]

Schönborn, K., and Höst, G. (2023). Lärare behöver ge eleverna stöd att tolka representationer i kemiklassrummet. Notiser från forskningsfronten, ATENA Didaktik.

[doi:10.3384/atena.2023.4697] [PDF]

Schönborn, K., and Höst, G. (2022). Lärare behöver ge eleverna stöd att tolka representationer i kemiklassrummet. Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Schönborn, K., and Höst, G. (2022). Många utmaningar när programmering integreras i undervisningen. Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Schönborn, K., and Höst, G. (2020). Bilder i fysikböcker ger lite stöd för att förstå tryck. Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Hallström, J., and Schönborn, K. (2019), FontD. Bi-lagan, 3, 21. Available here.

Schönborn, K., and Höst, G. (2018). Inkonsekvent ”genetikspråk” kan förvirra eleverna. Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Schönborn, K. (2017). Representationskompetens – förmågan att använda modeller och representationer. Lärportalen för naturvetenskap och teknik, Modul: Modeller och representationer, Del 8: Representationskompetens.  Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Schönborn, K. (2017). Olika former av representationer kräver olika form av representationskompetens. Lärportalen för naturvetenskap och teknik, Modul: Modeller och representationer, Del 8: Representationskompetens.  Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Schönborn, K. (2017). Sammanfattning av modulen modeller och representationer – ”Hur går jag vidare?” Lärportalen för naturvetenskap och teknik, Modul: Modeller och representationer, Del 8: Representationskompetens.  Skolverket: Stockholm. Available here.

Netzell, E., Haglund, J., Schönborn, K. and Jeppsson, F. (2016). Värmekameran – en laboration med fokus på elektriska kretsar: Ett hjälpmedel för elever att tolka och problematisera ideala modeller. LMNT-nytt, 1, 24-27.

Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F. and Schönborn, K.J. (2015). Värmekameror hjälper elever se naturfenomen. LMNT-nytt, 1, 18-21. [PDF]

Tibell. L. and Schönborn, K. (2014). FontD – en forskarskola för aktiva lärare. Venue 3(2), 1-5. [doi:10.3384/venue.2001-788X.14314].

Haglund, J., Jeppsson, F., Hedberg, D., Xie, C. and Schönborn, K. (2014). Värmekameror gör det osynliga synligt. Venue, 3(2), 1-5. [doi:10.3384/venue.2001-788X.14316]

Höst, G.E. and Schönborn, K.J. (2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010). Compilation of text and resources for “Forskning om NO-ämnena”, © Skolverket: Stockholm:

Schönborn, K.J., & Höst, G.E. (2014). Antologi ger lärare redskap för arbete med abstrakta begrepp.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2013). Analogier fördjupar elevers begreppsförståelse.

Schönborn, K.J. (2013). Hon skakar fram en förståelse för molekylers självorganisering.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2013). Hjärnforskning ger förståelse för lärande I naturvetenskap.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2012). Alternativ begreppsförståelse inte alltid ett hinder.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2011). Pedagogisk ämneskunskap.

Schönborn, K.J., & Höst, G.E. (2011). Naturvetenskapens natur behöver inte undervisas separat.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2011). Vad är egentligen vetenskap?

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2011). Utmaningar för undervisning och lärande inom evolution.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2011). Ämneskunskap måste utvecklas med ämnet.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2011). Begreppsförvirring i NV kräver speciella grepp.

Höst, G.E., & Schönborn, K.J. (2010). Mål, riktilinjer, läroplansstudier, utvärdering och bedömning.

Schönborn, K.J., & Höst, G.E. (2010). Intervju med David Perkins.

Höst, G. E., & Schönborn, K. J. (2010). Urval av vetenskapliga publikationer.

Schönborn, K. and Anderson, T. (2004). Education Forum: The Importance of Visual Literacy in the Education of Biochemists. South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News, 8(1), 34-39. [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J. and Verschoor, J.A. (2004). A debate on the BSc Biochemistry qualification. South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News, 8(1), 40-42. [PDF]

Anderson, T. and Schönborn, K. (2003). Education Forum: Do Textbook Diagrams Really Enhance Student Learning? South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology News, Special Edition, 7(1), 12-14. [PDF]


Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings (Selected)  [Go to top of pub. list]

Norström, P., Nordlöf, C., Schönborn, K., & Hallström, J. (2024). Increasing Authenticity in Pre-College Software Engineering Education through Role-Play. Proceedings of the 2024 ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, USA.

[doi:10.18260/1-2--47612] [PDF]

Hallström, J., Nordlöf, C., Norström, P., & Schönborn, K. (2023). Authenticity in integrated STEM education – boon or fantasy? Observing upper secondary technology classroom practice. In: S. Davies, M. McLain, A. Hardy, & D. Morrison-Love (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference Proceedings 2023, 31 October-3 November, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.

[doi:10.24377/PATT40.2023] [PDF]

Besançon, L., Schönborn, K., Sundén, E., He, Y., Rising, S., Westerdahl, P., Ljung, P., Wideström, J., Hansen, C., & Ynnerman, A. Exploring and explaining climate change: Exploranation as a visualization pedagogy for societal Action. Paper presented at 2nd Workshop on Visualization for Social Good, IEEE VIS 2022, Oklahoma City, USA, 16 October.

Hallström, J., Norström, P., & Schönborn, K. (2022). International views of authenticity in integrated STEM education. In: Gill, D., Tuff, J., Kennedy, T., Pendergast, S., & Jamil, S. (Eds.), PATT 39: PATT on the Edge Technology, Innovation and Education, St. John’s, Canada, pp. 394-399. (ISBN 9780889015050). [PDF]

Koć-Januchta, M., Schönborn, K., Tibell, L., Chaudhri, V., & Heller, C. Asking questions to engage with biology: investigating students’ interaction and learning with an AI-based textbook (2019). Paper presented at the 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Bologna, Italy, 26-30 August. [PDF]

Stenlund, J., Tibell, L., & Schönborn, K. (2019). To zoom into evolutionary time: interacting with a dynamic tree of life. Paper presented as part of a Symposium at the 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Bologna, Italy, 26-30 August.

Dolo, G., Haglund, J. and Schönborn, K. (2019). Thermal cameras as a semiotic resource for teaching science in South African township schools. In: Good, M. & Stevenson-Milln, C., Book of Long Paper Abstracts, Symposia, Short Papers, Snapshots of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), Central University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, pp. 460-463. [PDF]

Svärd, J., Schönborn, K., & Hallström, J. (2018). Connecting authentic innovation activities to the design Process. In: Seery, N., Buckley, J., Canty, D., & Phelan, J. (Eds.), PATT36 International Conference, Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development, Athlone, Ireland, pp. 216-222. [PDF]

Schönborn, K., Höst, G., & Lundin Palmerius, K. (2017). Development and validation of an instrument to measure understanding of nano. Paper presented as part of an Invited Journal Symposium at the 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin, Ireland, 21-25 August. [PDF]

Höst, G., Tibell, L., Lundin Palmerius, K., Jonsson, B.-H., & Schönborn, K. (2017). Stereoscopic 3D versus 2D interaction with a haptic biomolecular visualization. Paper presented as part of a Symposium at the 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin, Ireland, 21-25 August. [PDF]

Larsson, A., Stafstedt, M., & Schönborn, K. (2017). Heat angels and paper cups: Discovering pupils’ multimodal experiences of heat using thermal cameras. Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin, Ireland, 21-25 August. [PDF]

Otterborn, A., Schönborn, K., & Hultén, M. (2017). Exploring the use of digital tablets in preschool technology and science education. Paper presented at PATT2017 - Technology & Engineering Education—Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around the Globe, Philadelphia, USA, 10-14 July. [PDF]

Svärd, J., Schönborn, K., & Hallström, J. (2017). Does authentic learning work? Evaluating an innovation project in upper secondary technology education in Sweden. Paper presented at PATT2017 - Technology & Engineering Education—Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around the Globe, Philadelphia, USA, 10-14 July. [PDF]

Dolo, G., Haglund, J., & Schönborn, K. (2017). Stimulating and supporting inquiry-based science learning with infrared cameras in South Africa. In: Mhlolo, M. & Stevenson-Milln, C., Book of Abstracts of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, pp. 243-245. [PDF]

Svärd, J., Schönborn, K., & Hallström, J. (2016). Designing a module for authentic learning in upper secondary technology education. Paper presented at PATT2016 - Technology Education for 21st Century skills, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 23-26 August. [PDF]

*Flint, J., Schönborn, K., Höst, G., & Lundin Palmerius, K., (2014). Investigating an Immersive Virtual Nanoscience Simulation for Learning: Students’ Interaction, Understanding, Attitudes and System Usability. Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Retrieved 24 July 2014, from the AERA Online Paper Repository.

(*Paper Won the Emerging Virtual Scholar Award in the Applied Research in Immersive Environments for Learning (ARIEL) SIG for AERA 2014)

Schönborn, K., Lundin Palmerius, K., Höst, G., & Flint, J. (2013). Developing an Interactive Virtual Environment for Engendering Public Understanding About Nanotechnology: From Concept to Construction. Paper presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Retrieved 5 July 2013, from the AERA Online Paper Repository. [PDF]

Höst, G.E., Schönborn, K.J. and Palmerius, K.J.L. (2010). Investigating the effectiveness and efficiency of three visual representational systems for assigning chemical polarity. In: L. Gómez Chova, D. Martí Belengue & I. Candel Torres (Eds), Proceedings of EDULEARN10: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Valencia, Spain: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), pp. 941-947 (ISBN 9788461393862). [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Höst, G.E. and Palmerius, K.J.L. (2010). Exploring students’ interpretation of electric fields around molecules using a haptic virtual model: An evolving study. In: V. Mudaly (Ed), Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), University of KwaZulu-Natal, Vol. 2, pp. 242-248 (ISBN 9789299004395). [PDF]

Höst, G.E., Schönborn, K.J., Bivall Persson, P. and Tibell, L.A.E. (2010). Methods for investigating students’ learning and interaction with a haptic virtual biomolecular model. In: M.F. Taşar & G. Çakmakcı (Eds), Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives, Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi, pp. 115-121 (ISBN 9786053640318). [PDF]

Mnguni, L.E., Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2008). The nature of visual literacy in the molecular life sciences. 7th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), Utrecht University, p. 66, Ref. 200805160099.

Mnguni, L.E., Tibell, L., Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2007). Students’ ability to understand visualizations of protein structure in Sweden and South Africa. 7th European Symposium of the Protein Society: From Proteins to Proteome, Stockholm University, Sweden, p. 112.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2006). Measuring the factors influencing students’ interpretation of external representations in biochemistry: a qualitative approach. 6th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), University of London, p. 136.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2006). Evaluating the effectiveness of visual tools for developing students’ understanding in the biomolecular sciences. In: D. Lemmermöhle, S. Bögeholz and M. Hasselhorn (Eds), Professionell Lehren – Erfolgreich Lernen, 3. Göttinger Fachtagung für empirische Unterrichts- und Schulforschung, Georg-August-Universität, p. 92.

Schönborn, K.J. (2006). A qualitative method for assessing students’ visual literacy in the biomolecular sciences. 20th Conference of the South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB), University of KwaZulu-Natal, p. 121.

Mnguni, L.E., Anderson, T.R. and Schönborn, K.J. (2006). Using assessment tasks to determine levels of visual literacy in the biomolecular and cellular sciences. 20th Conference of the South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB), University of KwaZulu-Natal, p. 120.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2006).  A model of factors determining students’ ability to interpret external representations in biochemistry. In: D. B. Zandvliet and J. Osborne (Eds), Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States, electronic paper No. 210848. [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2006). A three-phase single interview technique (3P-SIT) for generating data on students’ interpretation of external representations in biochemistry. In: D. B. Zandvliet and J. Osborne (Eds), Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States, electronic paper No. 210971.

Anderson, T., Schönborn, K. and du Plessis, L. (2005). The importance of visual literacy and its assessment in biochemistry.  FEBS Journal, 272 (Supp. 1), 62.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2004). Conceptual and visualization difficulties with the interpretation of diagrams and images in biochemistry.  FASEB Journal, 18(8), C207.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2004). Conceptual and visualization difficulties with the interpretation of diagrams and images in biochemistry.  ASBMB Graduate/Postdoctoral Travel Award Special Session Symposium, ASBMB Annual Meeting and 8th IUBMB Conference, ASBMB, Boston, p. 1, 18.

Anderson, T.R., Schönborn, K.J., Hull, T.L. and du Plessis, L. (2004). Assessing and researching for conceptual understanding in biochemistry. FASEB Journal, 18(8), C230.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2003). Interpreting external representations in the molecular and cellular biosciences: implications for the generic BSc. 18th Congress of the South African Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB), University of Pretoria, p. 53.

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Grayson, D.J. (2003). Students’ interpretation of external representations in biochemistry. 3rd International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Rhodes University and University of Fort Hare, p. 51.

Schönborn, K.J. and Anderson, T.R. (2003). Biochemistry students’ difficulties with chemical coupling, In: B. Putsoa, M. Dlamini, B. Dlamini and V. Kelly (Eds), Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), University of Swaziland, Vol. 1, pp. 777-783.

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Grayson, D.J. (2003). Some cognitive perspectives related to students’ interaction with external representations in biochemistry, In: B. Putsoa, M. Dlamini, B. Dlamini and V. Kelly (Eds), Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), University of Swaziland, Vol. 1, pp. 464-470. [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Grayson, D.J. (2002). Developing and testing a model of the factors affecting student interaction with scientific diagrams, In: C. Malcolm and C. Lubisi (Eds), Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), University of Natal, Section III, pp. 377-383.

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Grayson, D.J. (2001). Biochemistry Students’ Difficulties with the Interpretation of Textbook Diagrams, In: I.V. Mutimucuio (Ed), Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique, Vol. 2, pp. 53-61. [PDF]

Anderson, T.R., Grayson, D.J., Crossley, L.G., and Schönborn, K.J. (2000). Do Students Really Understand Metabolism the Way We Think They Do? 18th International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) Congress: Beyond the Genome, University Press, Cambridge, p. 109. [PDF]

Schönborn, K.J., Anderson, T.R. and Grayson, D.J. (2000). Students’ difficulties with the interpretation of textbook diagrams of immunoglobulin G (IgG), KwaZulu-Natal Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Symposium, University of Durban-Westville, Durban, p. 28.


Reports                                                                           [Go to top of pub. list]

Schönborn, K. (2019). Optimering av interaktiva pekbord som lärandeverktyg på Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C. Final Project Report for Norrköpings fond för Forskning och Utveckling. Project NK KS 2016/0417.

Tibell, L., & Schönborn, K. J. (2019). A Swedish National Licentiate Graduate School in Science and Technology Education Research for In-service Teachers. Final Scientific Report for the Committee for Educational Science, Swedish Research Council. Research Project 729-2013-6871.

Schönborn, K. J. (2016). Immersive Education: Interacting with Virtual Nanotechnology Environments in Building and Learning Fundamental Science Concepts. Final Scientific Report for the Committee for Educational Science, Swedish Research Council. Research Project 2011-37694-88055-31.


Konrad J. Schönborn


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