Online newspaper design: 1. Use the length of the front-page to give an overview of the whole site

Sidan uppdaterades senast: 2005-07-19
LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 1. Use the length of the front-page to give an overview of the whole site

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LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 1. Use the length of the front-page to give an overview of the whole site

1. Use the length of the front-page to give an overview of the whole site.

The use and importance of the front-pages suggests that an overview of the entire site should be provided, since scrolling the front-page could be compared to browsing the printed newspaper. Since the pages need to be long to give an overview of the entire site, the users have to scroll the page to get an overview. We did not discover any difficulties regarding that.

Also, most respondents returned to the front-page to start over, when looking for something else, instead of using the navigation elements of the site.

Furthermore, the time stamped news streams and headlines on the front-pages provide an overview of the latest news, which corresponds to the most important reason for reading the online newspaper, which was to stay updated.

To provide an overview, a prerequisite is to understand the page structure. Many respondents were relying on their understanding of printed papers for this purpose and the publishers also considered the use of categories from print. This also corresponds to using the broadsheet metaphor” for layout.

Expressen presents several hypertext streams, on the front page, together with a menu presenting the site contents. The hypertext streams presents an overview of the site contents, by containing puffs for different news items.