Online newspaper design: 3. Provide navigation support in different ways

Sidan uppdaterades senast: 2005-07-19
LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 3. Provide navigation support in different ways

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LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 3. Provide navigation support in different ways

3. Provide navigation support in different ways.

Both the audience and publishers experienced difficulties with the navigation. The increased focus on the front-pages has made it necessary to provide navigation support in many different ways besides the ordinary navigation support through menus and bars. It was evident that dedicated navigation items were used in combination with other elements, such as the news stream, headlines, captions and headings to navigate the site.

Content elements can be designed to support navigation, for instance by dividing the news stream into a table of contents. Presenting news from all categories of the site on the front-page can also serve as navigation support to different sections. Providing navigation in the suggested ways also corresponds to using the length of the front-page for overview and using the broad sheet metaphor for layout.

Illustration showing the navigation elements at hallandsposten.