Online newspaper design: 2. Use the broadsheet metaphor for layout.

Sidan uppdaterades senast: 2005-07-19
LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 2. Use the broadsheet metaphor for layout

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LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 2. Use the broadsheet metaphor for layout

2. Use the broadsheet metaphor for layout.

From the audience view, the online newspapers to some extent resembled the printed papers by the categorization and divisions from the printed paper, which helped them in recognizing the genre. One third of the respondents in our study did not perceive the sites as mirroring the printed papers structure. The general opinion was that the layout was different online than in the printed edition.

The producers expressed uncertainty about how to present new services and separating them from editorial material, which is not supported by the metaphor. Most of the audience, however, seemed to have no problems differentiating editorial material from other kinds of materials on the sites. We suggest basing the layout on the broadsheet metaphor in order to give a familiar frame of reference.

Hallandsposten uses the broasheet metaphor for layout, presenting many news puffs in the front page, like in a broadsheet newspaper. Categories and divisions from the printed paper are also used, together with the newspaper-like layout.