Online newspaper design: 8. Provide one joint search facility for both the archive and today's news.

Sidan uppdaterades senast: 2005-07-19
LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 8. Provide one joint search facility for both the archive and today's news

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LiU > ITN > MIT> Jonas Lundberg > Genre Analysis (2004)> 8. Provide one joint search facility for both the archive and today's news

8. Provide one joint search facility for both the archive and today's news.

Many users navigated the online edition without using the search function when looking for something special, but many users also tried to use the search engines with varying results. Even though more than half of the users found it easy to find what they searching for, some found it problematic. From the interviews, with the publishers we found possible explanations why the use of search engines could be found problematic. The main reason was that the search facilities were mainly designed for searching the news archives. Also, at some news sites, the articles did not end up in the archives until the day after they have been published.